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    Great "Parks" track on Meet the Robinsons

    It is not in the movie, but the movie is SOO AWESOME even with out it it is still one of the best Disney Movies in a long time!
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    Hong Kong Disneyland

    Pretty cool and does anyone know where one could obtain a copy of this new musical spectacular!
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    Hong Kong Disneyland

    Does anyone know about the Firework show in Hong Kong, are they using new music or something from the sister parks?
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    Tarzan! The Broadway Musical Out Now!!!

    its only 9.99 on itunes and you get 3 bonus track from other disney broadway shows!
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    Beauty & The Beast On Broadway

    Hey friends, just wanted to let you all know. I know we have mentioned this in previous posting. Ashley Brown (The Original Cast of Disney's on The Record) She is now on Broadway in the role of Belle. If you get a chance to see the show with her as Belle, YOU MUST SEE HER!! She is Belle! Ashley...
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    Disney On Ice?

    Errrrrrr........ I am not giving up there HAS to be something some place.... That is some of the best music out there....... Hummmm I will let you all know if I find something.... Until then, Have a Magical Day! Your Pal, Eric
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    Disney On Ice?

    Hey Friends, Just Curious... Does anyone know where one could find teh audio from ANY of the Disney on Ice Productions? I couldnt find anything on previous posting... if anyone has any suggestion... I would appreciate it! Your Pal, Eric
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    Tarzan the musical

    You hit the nail on the head with your review,,, I thought the show was horrible,,,, And from the reviews it doesnt look like Tarzan will be swinging around broadway for very long. All I can say is the show is about a swinging man in the jungle and In the Broadway version of the jungle he only...
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    Holiday Wishes CD released this past week

    Just orderd my cd from laughing place too I am happy to hear that wishesfan already recieved his copy I cant wait! mind u this is coming from the guy who said he wasnt sure about it when he 1st saw the show, now i love it!
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    Holiday Wishes has video of the show, it starts with the song "The Spirit of the Season" from the Polar Express. The show is just like wishes.
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    Holiday Wishes

    So I try to be as positive as possible, but can anyone tell me WHY for the new Holiday wishes fireworks show at the Magic Kingdom, they are using music from the 20th Century Fox movie "the Polar Express"..... Does anyone else find this a little wierd....... This should be a sign that it is time...
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    New Music from Not-So-Scary Halloween Party!

    The parade music I thought sounded like it was from Tokyo Disneyland and the fireworks is a new medly of Disney Villians music with a thecno kinda twist.... Very nice change of pace!
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    Rapunzel Unbraided

    More Concept Art: That is if they decide to go forward with hand drawn animation and not CGI.
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    Rapunzel Unbraided

    Sick to death of storybook endings where true love conquers all, a frustrated witch brings two romantically-challenged teenagers from the real world into the classic fairytale, and transforms them into the legendary long-haired heroine and her gallant prince. Kristin Chenoweth just recorded the...
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    Is there a set Policy on how Disney Artists/Musicians are compensated?

    Great topic, I had heard once through the grape vine that The voice of the monorail was paid in the form of a silver pass. He is a DCR Cast member. Maybe they just give everyone mickey money and call it a day :O)
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    ATTN: RANDY THORNTON!!!!!!!!!!

    Ghost host you are my hero!!
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    Wonderland Music Company is at WDW!!!!!

    Thank you Sharon for taking the time to print that! You rock!
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    OT: What Would You Do?

    Live in detroit too and had no clue...
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    Re:Splashtacular! I remember they had to close off either sides of the fountain walk way to perform the show, what a mess! They should have did it in World Showcase Lagoon Like Bravisimo! at Tokyo Disney Seas!
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    Re:Splashtacular! "our Fountains Magic, Mickey Deserves a Hand "Clap, Clap", its liquid magic and its better then any land,, join in, join in the feelin, join in stay for a while.... " The best part was when mickeys said "Now lets see what this future world fountain can really do!" and then...
