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  • Drat... Playlist menu came back, but isn't available yet. Getting my hopes up, lol.
    No rush. Just got excited for a second. lol
    Magic Music
    Magic Music
    The new CSS has "Supersized" forum posts and blog entries. I need to adjust the Playlists area to match and that means making changes to the playlists, themselves, too. It shouldn't be too much longer. I also need to repair the MagicMusic logo and masthead. Not enough hours in the day!
    Believe me, I understand. Have my own site that doesn't get updated as often as I'd like due to lack of time in the day. (Plus, the last two redesigns had to be deleted due to the "unlimited space" having an arbitrary restriction suddenly put on it.)
    FYI, posted a response on your wall, as didn't realize that this was a personally sent message or posted on mine. Still getting used to the MM interface.
    Sorry for the long time in replying, but thanks. I'd say at the moment there is actually much more work going on in IDing DLR loops than WDW, though much of that work has yet to make it to the Playlists section (working on it!). At the rate we're going I think we're in good shape of actually IDing everything within the foreseeable future (famous last words...)
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